The Gen Jones Chronicles: Preserving Narratives from a Generation
The Gen Jones Chronicles preserves narratives of “Generation Jones” (born 1954-1964). It offers opportunities to tell Gen Jones stories through podcast interviews, discussions, and posts.
My idea is to explore the idea of “Generation Jones” (also called “Boomer Reboot” or “Boomer II”) through a web-focused writing project. Generation Jones is a moniker given to a cohort of people born between 1954-1964. This cohort was traditionally thought to be part of the Baby Boom generation, the only generation named by the U.S. Census Bureau. However, in the late 20th century, researchers began to notice that the boomers were really two distinct groups. One marketing research company, Beresford Research, calls these groups Boomer I and Boomer II, the latter born 1955-1964. You can see a chart here of all the generational cohorts from 1922-2012. (https://www.beresfordresearch.com/age-range-by-generation/, accessed 9/12/2022.
I was born in 1958. Most of my life, I felt like I was in the shadow of the Baby Boomers, who I generally thought to be 8-12 years older than I. Apparently, this feeling is a hallmark of Generation Jones. Boomer stories were in the news, in movies, and in books, but they weren’t my stories. In 1999, researcher Jonathen Pontell coined the label, “Generation Jones” to describe the cohort I was born into (1954-1964). In 2014, journalist Richard Pérez-Peña called it, “Boomer Redux” in an article titled, “Don’t Call Me A Boomer”, which he published in The New York Times. Those articles resonated with me. Today, we are in our late fifties to late sixties, either just retired or nearing retirement. I think this generation has more stories to tell.
Other sources on Generation Jones:
Williams, Jeffrey J. and Jonathan Pontell. "The Generation in Between: An Interview with Jonathan Pontell." symploke, vol. 23, 2015, p. 485-511. Project MUSE muse.jhu.edu/article/605685.
Pontell, “Stuck in the Middle,” USA Today 18 March 2011
Jeffrey J. Williams, “Not My Generation,” Chronicle of Higher Education 4 April 2014
https://www.jonathanpontell.com/ (under construction but supposed to be opening soon)
I have begun writing short vignettes from my own life that I think characterize some of the experiences of people born during this time. I will post those vignettes on a website I have named Gen Jones Chronicles (www.genjoneschronicles.com). I will post the vignettes on the blog as a springboard for reactions from others to begin to create a sense of narrative related to Gen Jones.
I will use the themes from the vignettes to begin to build these narratives. I will invite ideas from those in the cohort, but also those outside the cohort. I’d like to interview people one-on-one about this idea and post podcasts on the website, possibly linked to a YouTube channel. I will explore using Anchor to create the podcast. I hope to have 8-10 podcasts by September, 2023.
I’m working on creating an online event late in 2023 where I can invite groups to attend and discuss these themes. Possible themes might include: race, feminism, childhood, conflict resolution, Vietnam War, activism, sexuality, political discourse and so on. I can advertise through my academic contacts and Facebook, which will attract a fairly diverse group of people from different walks of life, as well as on the blog itself. Attendees could react to the vignettes and podcasts, and I could have a couple of people speak in an introductory panel, then if enough people attend, have small groups discuss the topics. With permission to record, I could capture discussions of the memories and perceptions of this group to post on the blog.
​Must have a demonstrated skill your project is built upon.
​I was a law school educator for over 30 years. The last decade, especially, involved extensive online presence, including creating LMS materials, online instruction (synchronous and asynchronous), and online conference participation and organization. I have published a number of articles, 2 books, 2 chapters in books, book reviews,and blog posts. I was also a peer editor of a law review. I have basic proficiency using Wix as a blog platform and would create my blog using that tool. ​
Describe other resources needed for success
I have a computer with a reliable internet connection. I have a good web camera and microphone. I will need better Zoom capabilities if I’m going to host a conference (I understand Prepared Mind has such capability, so perhaps the conference could be sponsored by Prepared Mind). I will spend the early part of 2023 figuring out how to create high-quality podcasts. The platform Anchor was recommended. I’ll need some help brainstorming ways to reach an audience, especially if I host a conference and/or conduct interviews. I might need some modest funds to offer an honorarium if I can get a big name speaker for the conference.
November, 2022 – January, 2023: Set up blog; write and publish at least 10 vignettes. Launch blog.
January-February, 2023: Learn how to create high-quality podcasts. Study interview techniques (read Studs Terkel; how to conduct oral interviews)
February, 2023 - August, 2023: Conduct interviews, create and post podcasts.
September, 2023: Begin conference organization. Set up time-line and to-do list for conference. Contact potential guest speaker(s). Advertise conference and begin registration.
November, 2023: Conduct conference (online).